Notes on Tokens in LLMs and Copilot. How to count and estimate your costs.
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Youtube can be the next hiring platform!
This is how my Youtube experience is these days. And stop judging me! Yes, I am a middle aged man who follows Mr. Beast 😀 . But let’s come to the point on why I think Youtube can be a serious competitor to hiring sites and specially Linkedin. As creator economy is growing and some […]
Roe Vs Wade, period trackers and why we should NOT give away our data!
After the leak of the US supreme court draft that might overturn the rights of women and people with uteruses to get an abortion in USA, social media is buzz with how data from period tracking apps can be weaponized against these people. With Covid-19 we also ceded lot of authority to government and even […]
Homeless for a Night in Beijing & Lessons learnt
It’s been a while that I have not written a blog post. It’s hard to find things to write about when life is a routine and one is on the hedonic treadmill. But last week I was forced to make some urgent travel plans to Beijing to get some documents from Indian Embassy in Beijing(EOI). […]
Side Hustles and Samurai!
If you are active on social media and specially clubhouse, it seems that everyone has a side hustle. From secret gift shop on Amazon to driving for Lyft to making soaps. And I am not talking about people who are just doing it to supplement their incomes, many of them have cozy corporate jobs and […]
Reading List for 2021
 97 Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know – By Gunther Verheyen Why Zebras don’t get Ulcers – By Robert M. Sapolsky Why we sleep – Matthew Walker Factfulness – Hans Rosling Man’s search for meaning – Viktor Frankl
Connect Mongo DB on IBM Cloud Using Compass
Task at work required me to connect MongoDB hosted on IBM Cloud from the Compass App on my PC. I was not able to find updated information easily over internet, so I decided to document it here. 1> Go to Resource List on your IBM Cloud Web UI. 2> Find the Mongo Db service that […]
How should work look like?
There has never been a day from last 10 years when I have not thought about work I do, the work people around me do and the work that is important! 2020 has just complicated things, when we saw what’s essential and what’s not! Although I won’t dwell much on this black swan event but […]
How to connect Db2 from Jupyter Notebook?
I recently came across a problem where I needed to connect to a Db2 server with SSL connection from Jupyter Lab. Our environment is one on Kubernetes cluster on Cloud. Although one can easily find how to connect to Db2 from Python, I was not able to find a clean way to do what I […]
Death by Video Conference!
Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. Marcus Aurelius News these days can give us PTSD and along with all the things pandemic has forced on us, excessive video conferencing on zoom and other platforms […]